Istora Senayan

Venue Description
Istora Gelora Bung Karno (formerly Istora Senayan), is an indoor gymnasium or indoor sporting arena stadium for various sporting events and other community activities. Istora which is short for the Palace of Sports, is one of the buildings within the Bung Karno Sports Complex in Senayan, Jakarta. This sports hall was built since August 24th, 1962 as a completeness of facilities and infrastructure in the framework of the 1962 Asian Games began to open inaugurated since on August 24, 1962 held in Jakarta. Istora Gelora Bung Karno is in accordance with international standards, with the size of the arena 25 x 50 m. This multi-function hall equipped with sound system and other supporting facilities. Can be used for family activities, government activities, corporate gathering, business meetings, weddings, exhibitions, and other events. Mostly used as badminton, volleyball, or basketball court. The capacity of the arena is ± 7.200 seats (VIP 412 seats, tribune 6.698 seats).
Spesifikasi ::
- Arena bermain menggunakan lapisan parkeet kayu sungkai
- Sound System: TOA dengan 4 speaker dan 2 subwoovers
- LED dan jam analog untuk papan skor
- Tiket digital
- AC 900PK
- 60.400 watt untuk penerangan
- Sistem CCTV 7K untuk keamanan dengan fitur manajemen keramaian
- Istora sudah dilengkapi dengan fasilitas pendukung publik seperti toilet, musholla, ruang VIP, ruang ganti pemain, ruang kantor, ruang medis, dan area parkir.
Beberapa acara multinasional dan besar telah diadakan di Istora:
- Dahsyat Award (2015)
- Shooting Telkomsel
- Levis Bazaar
- Resepsi Pernikahan Massal
- Pocari Clinic Run
- Try Out SBMPTN 2015
- Shooting Iklan Aqua
- Konser Musik KCA
- Pasar Jongkok Otomotif (2015)
- Konser Musik Boyzone
- Kejuaraan Bulutangkis BCA
- Mudik Bersama Pertamina
- HUT SCTV 2015
- Kejuaraan World Championship (2015)
- Pameran Indonesia Hebat (2015)
- Islamic Fair
- Natal Bersama MNC Group (2015)
- HUT Indosiar (2016)